Pigeon Tales

May 24, 2009

Another ugly story…

Filed under: animal welfare,birds,documentary,PIGEON,politics — pigeonwriter @ 4:34 pm
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Here is another ugly story I received from the New York Bird Club this morning:

To view the thread go to:

Subject: Pigeon netting

Heads up on this.

This morning, around 7, at 50th and Second Avenue, Manhattan, I saw a man netting pigeons as they fed. I started after him from across the street, but he got into his light grey pickup truck and drove away. He was on the short side, black, long hair, dressed in denim. Just as he was driving away a police car pulled up behind him. I foolishly assumed the officer would notice and stop him, but no. He drove away with a sack holding birds and the officer got ready to go into Starbucks. I crossed over and spoke to the officer but as I didn’t have a licence plate number she would not do anything.

I am sickened to think some of my feathered friends shall be eaten tonight.


(with courtesy by Anna Dove, New York Bid Club)

Can we thus really call us a modern civilized world?


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