Pigeon Tales

September 8, 2008

Bad days, bad mood….

Filed under: birds,documentary,funny,photos,PIGEON,pigeon babies — pigeonwriter @ 7:39 pm

From the

Diary as of 08/03 – 08/05/08

Jimi and Winnie start picking at mom, especially Winnie, which is the same behaviour I observed happening with Willy and Joey when they started to grow up. Winnie is the girl and Jimi the boy – that’s clear to me now. Also Jimi is becoming bigger than Winnie.


Today jimi came back inside to take a nap.  Apparently there was too much hazzle outside, too much fighting and he wanted his quiet time. He went straight away to my easel again, then crawled on my arm and finally went back to the easel and sat there totally quiet for 1 hour at least while I was working on the computer. After that he walked outside again….so sweet.

and the head gets heavier and heavier….

and heavier….

and chr chr chr chr…

This evening they are fighting again – Willy and Joey – the elder babies –  tried to capture their places but did not succeed…Pete and Emma were always there to defend their territory….

Everybody was finally in a bad mood and fighting for his favourite seat… no good, not good at all…. 😦

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